Sunday, September 29, 2013

In Onesse et Laharie, No Food On Sundays

So I'm at the camp ground in my trailer home and although it does have a church, that's about all there is here. 

The trailer usually costs 40e but for pilgrims it's only 10!  The campground has a little snack bar that sells pizza but its closed. The father and son who work here both told me its closed on Sundays but about an hour ago the matron of the place stopped by to say that she'd injured her arm and couldn't make pizzas today. She sis however take me over to the snack bar and gave me a bag of pasta, some butter, bread, a couple of eggs, an ice cream cone, and 2 beers!!
No charge for the bread , pasta, butter and eggs. 6e for the ice cream cone and beer. I love this place. 

From here I really have to design not only my route, but tomorrows destination as well. The official destination, a village called Taller has a pilgrim house that you can get into by entering a code into a digital lock. You get the code at the bar next to the house. However my guide book explains that the the bar is closed on Mondays - no further explanation. 

I've had enough of this super flat terrain and perfectly straight roads. Over the past two days I've probably walked 20 km on the service road next to a superhighway. On the upside, I've passed two 7.50e tollbooths so I somehow feel 15e ahead of the game!

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