Friday, April 29, 2016

Super Bock

Portugal is a fine country. I have a couple of minor criticisms, however. Remember Silvia from Via de la Plata?  She also shifted over to the Portugues route and weve both had bad stomachs since then. The kind of bad stomach that also gives you a headache and the chills but not bad enough to make you throw up.

There's only one beer in Portugal. "Super Bock". I'll say it's horrible but I might just hate the stupid name and logo so much that I can't give it a fair chance. Either way it's a horrible beer experience. I thought that IT was behind my gastric discomfort so I gave up beer beginning yesterday.

Last night I was sleeping under several blankets but was cold and shivering. Figuring I might be dehydrated from the sunny day, I got up and drank a couple of glasses of delicious Portugues tap water. Dehydration didn't seem to be the problem. I shivered more and my pulse was racing. A little while ago I googled Portuguese tap water and guess what?  Nope. Don't drink it. Live and learn I guess.

Tomorrow's stage ends up in a town called Caminho. From there we take a ferry across the Rio Minho to A Guarda Spain. I think most people will take the early boat on Sunday. I plan on being on the last boat out tomorrow night so I can enjoy some nice frosty Estrella Galicias (Feli's favorite beer!) and delicious, clean Spanish tap water!

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