Monday, April 25, 2016

Calling An Audible

As is obvious from the title of this post, I am leaving the Via de la Plata and taking the train to Porto to do the Camino Portugues. Actually, the way caminos work, Via de la Plata is pretty much over in Zamora anyway and a new one called the Sanabres (or something like that) begins.

I've never been to Portugal and I'm expecting this route to be completely different from VdlP - terrain, food, people etc. not that there's anything wrong with the food, terrain and people here but like I said, I've never been to Portugal.

The thing about going from Zamora to Porto is that it's a pain in the ass. I'm taking a 4.5 hour train to Vigo in 45 minutes, staying overnight there and taking another train for an hour and a half tomorrow am at 9.

I love making these last minute changes. Last year I changed plans in Pau to do the northern route and never regretted it. I'm sure I'll miss some good times that I'd have if I stayed this course but right now I'm excited about starting something fresh.

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