Monday, April 4, 2016

Rained All Day

since I had great wifi in Monesterio last night I set my alarm for 2:30am and watched the Mets lose to KC. Cespedes isn't great under pressure. Hopefully he'll 'get us there' this year but he's not going to bring us home. Neither is David Wright. He can't throw. Why was Conforto dh anyway?

So anyway, I could hear it pouring when I woke up at 9 so I meandered around and finally left at around 11. This first breakfast place was about 300 yards up the street and by the time I got there I was pretty well soaked. The bar guy gave me a plastic bag to put my phone and laptop in thank goodness. That could have been a disaster. Still, during breakfast I tried to look up the bus schedule to  Fuente de Cantos but couldn't make heads or tails of it so checked out where the tourist office was. It was all the way back down the hill, past where I stayed so I succumbed to the ultimate mental laziness and decided to just go ahead and walk the 22km to where I am now.

The five hours were split pretty evenly between 'just raining' and pouring with rain. It was between 50 & 55 degrees and pretty uncomfortable most of the time. I've been here for almost four hours and finally My feet are almost back to room temperature. My boots must have weighed 3 times normal but the coldness of the water really seems to be good for my feet.

The path today went through several huge ranches where you have to open the gate and then close it behind you. Between the gates animals run pretty much free range. With the rain coming down at its hardest I was keeping my head down to keep it out of my eyes and had a major surprise. I came within a foot of colliding with a bull that was grazing. He was pretty chill and scampered out of the way. I've seen thousands of cows on these walls but very few bulls - even behind barbed wire so this guy kind of freaked me out. After I passed him I figured I'd better walk backward away from him since the rain cover for my backpack is bright red.

Anyway, I'm here now and about to grab some dinner. Hopefully my boots will dry overnight. I've been stuffing them with newspaper and I think it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow which is nice.

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