Last night in A Gudiña was grim. First of all it's not a very nice town - it seems to be there to cater to big agro. I ended up in a truck stop hostel. Usually places like that have decent food and really crappy rooms. This one had pretty nice rooms but after paying €2 for a caña, I wasn't sticking around for dinner. I had a chunk of tortilla at the truck stop next door where the same caña sells for €1.20.
I had checked the weather earlier in the day and all three of my go-to sources agreed that today (Friday) would be foggy with showers in the morning and steady rain in the afternoon. I'd also checked the description of today's route from A Gudiña to Laza. The site I use (gronze) is in Spanish but I figure that at this point, I speak bar, taxi and gronze Spanish. "long", "hilly", "highway", "AVE" (AVE is a high speed train line. They're building one from Madrid to Ourense and there's a ton of construction). I was expecting a very crappy day today.
Before bed I pasted the bronze route description into a translator. Between the bronze words I recognized were some that I had missed. Like "never really on" the highway, AVE "from a distance" and a sentence that I'd completely missed which to paraphrase, said that it's "the most beautiful day's walk in Galicia." I rechecked the weather and low & behold, fog would lift by 9 (sunrise is 8:45), party sunny in the morning and mostly cloudy in the afternoon.
It was pretty magnificent.
Fantastic pictures !