Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Americans are the worst

I've had some fun talking to a mother -daughter combo named Kirsten & Mason over the past week or so.  They're from Alabama and are excellent American tourists; respectful, insightful, try to speak Spanish etc.  Twice they told me the story of a young couple who stayed in the same albergue (barracks) as them, who, two nights in a row left the barracks to go drinking, then came back to the barracks and loudly got it on - in a room with 20 other people.  The couple hung a sheet from the upper bunk to protect their privacy. Of course I was very happy that I had my own room somewhere because I would not have handled that well at all.  Eventually I had to ask K & M if that couple was ... American.  They were, and that was when I knew I had to leave the Camino Frances.  I told them, and I wasn't lying - that if I was in that albergue I would have shamed them for further embarassing my country and kicked them off the camino.

I've had a cold since this morning.  Yesterday on the bus from Leon to Zamora, some woman a dozen rows behind me did one of those sneeze-gasms - like 10 full, uninhibited sneezes - on a freaking bus.  I'm fairly certain it was an American woman.  If I was positive, I would have walked back and explained to her that she should be charged with assault on the other 50 of us on the bus - and kicked her off of whatever camino she thought she was on. 


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