Sunday, April 5, 2015

Damned Mud

Mud is slippery, wet, heavy when it sticks to your shoes and usually appears after a big downhill and before a big uphill. Mud was everywhere today.

But it was a beautiful day for walking for the most part. I'm at a B&B, exhausted from trying to speak French. The lady and her mother are, as usual very nice. Dinner is in an hour.

I'm really out in the sticks right now. Dk the name of the town but it starts with a B. Actually I don't think it's a town, more of a crossroad with a big industrial shed. The B&B is fine although they put me through the anti-bedbug protocol of leaving my backpack downstairs in a garbage bag and only taking what I need up to the room. Most B&Bs seem to do that. I think this might be the last day in Haute Languedoc. The terrain today was great. Lots of rolling hills and nice paths for the most part. I expect it will be warmer starting tomorrow since I'll be out of the mountains. Very sketchy wifi here so I dk if I'll be able to check.

I'm probably over excited to get to Castres tomorrow. Even ordered breakfast at 7:30. It usually takes me almost an hour to get my act together after breakfast but I'm going to try & hit the road by 8:30.

Getting into Castres feels like I'm getting off Gilligan's Island. Here's my to do list so far.

- Get something to put on my feet besides hiking boots!
- Laundy
- Haircut
- Maps
- Call AT&T to whine about how expensive data is
- Add money to Skype account
- Call Mom & Dad

If I get wifi I may blog some pictures. Either way, happy Easter!

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