The Le Puy route that I took last time is the most popular in France. It's known for being somewhat "magical" and I'm on board with that assessment. On the other hand it's hard to believe that magic can repeat itself after 3 or 4 months so I considered taking another route - the Via Turonensis from Tours. I waffled over which route until Jill pointed out the prospect of another couple-week stretch living on Aligot (garlicky, cheesy mashed potatoes). Don't get me wrong, I love Aligot but figure France is a great big country (at least when you're walking it) so I'd give the Tours route a try.
I'm two days into it and will try to start making regular posts. I started by flying into Madrid to visit Jill & Sandi and to pick up my backpack. We had a nice time and had a couple of amazing dishes; the bacon - mango salad at Laredo and the pulpo (octopus) at the newly remodeled "Juan's". We had a good meal at Stefano's as well but it was Italian so it didn't really count.
I flew into Paris on Sunday and caught a Train to Orleans. I was thinking of starting there but the tourist office didn't give me the impression that they were that into the Camino. I couldn't even figure out where to the the Camino credential (passport). I'm glad I went though. It's an amazing city. Joan of Arc rescued it from the Brits and a thousand years earlier Clovis defeated none other than Attila the frickin Hun (I think). I stayed at a place with wifi and was able to download the latest breaking bad which I watched on the train to Tours on Monday.
Hats off to the lady at the tourist office in Tours. She was way into the Camino and set me up with my credential and and a map of how to find the start of the trail.
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