I did everything I could think of that didn't require a smart phone. Walked around a lot, got my 'passport' stamped, finished reading "Wild", and even got my hair cut. Getting a haircut in France is easy. One-word easy and for me that word is "trois". The universal clipper language makes it very easy. She asked what to do with the top (bald part) of my head and I gestured "whatever you want". I haven't taken a good look at it yet but walking back to O Petit Hotel I could see the shadows cast by the street lights behind me. I seem to have a tuft of hair in the center-front of my head that's pretty well established and she must've left it intact because the shadows make me look like a unicorn. So I got a badass unicorn haircut in Dax.
Anyhow, 1.2gb downloaded so far. Only 600mb left. I should be good to go in about 4 hours. Till then I'm taking a nap.
Wow..I like unicorns. Maybe she thought that you said l'unicore?