I was determined not to walk all the way from Arzua to Santiago yesterday. It was really hard and painful when I did it last time and it would get me into town two days ahead of Jeroen & Rick.
Most people - the vast majority of people stay 8-20km outside of Santiago and get in early the next morning. Somehow it ended up seeming more appropriate to arrive exhausted. And I knew today was going to be cloudy if not rainy.
Meeting up with the big riff-raff camino had more good than bad elements to it. I probably met more people yesterday than in the previous eight weeks. I walked almost 10km with a Dutch lady and two American college kids who were doing the last part of the camino for credit! (picture).
The last 3km into town was with a Canadian woman who was so irritating about directions that I finally had to ditch her. Once in the city there obvious signs. Big huge official blue signs that say "Camino de Santiago" with double arrows. She found them ambiguous and would stop until a local came by for her to ask. Finally I let her get a little ahead of me and when she decided to make a hard left 10 feet after a big official 'go straight' sign I let her do it, crossed the street, waited until she was at the edge of ear - shot and hollered for her to reassess the turn. I felt like a good guy for not letting her learn the harder lesson!